Víctor Kareh Fábregas


My name is Víctor. Here are some highlights about my life:


I work at Red Hat as a Senior Principal Software Engineer. The majority of the projects I work on are related to managed services, particularly of OpenShift.

Some of the projects I work on here are:

I help drive the engineering strategy for OpenShift cloud services. Most of my time is spent attending meetings, defining new features, writing proof-of-concepts (mostly in Golang), and reviewing my teammates' designs.

Free Software

I'm passionate about Linux, Free Software, Open Source. I enjoy developing and contributing to various projects, especially when they make my life better.

Some of the projects I regularly devote time to:

I also have plenty of smaller/one-off contributions to many other projects. Check out my GitHub for more stuff.

In addition to contributing, there are other projects that I rely on every day and are dear to me:


My family and I live in the countryside and lead a homesteading lifestyle. We homeschool our children and actively work towards local food self-sufficiency.

It's a rewarding lifestyle full of satisfying challenges.